


Refactor #3303

Updated by over 6 years ago

Docker engines typically present more than one Accept: header (usually three). 

 While they are three different lines in the HTTP header, they typically get combined as a single value, comma-separated. 

 Crane has a bunch of if/then/else logic that looks like: 

 accept_headers = request.headers.get('Accept') 
 schema2_mediatype = 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' 
 manifest_list_mediatype = 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json' 
 if manifest_list_mediatype in accept_headers ...: 

 That is essentially the equivalent of evaluating: 

 "val1" in "val1, val2, val3" 

 and boils down to string matching. 

 I find found it dangerous, because "val" in "val1, val2, val3" is also True. 

 It just so happens that the Docker engine is civilized enough to present the right values. 

 A much better solution would be something like: 

 accept_headers = accept_headers.split(",") if accept_headers else [] 
 accept_headers = set(x.strip() for x in accept_headers) 
