Story #3285
Updated by about 7 years ago
Tasks that create new RepositoryVersions have to write to pulpcore tables in transactions, set up a working directory, finalize the new version and clean up the database if the task fails. All of this should be handled by a context manager that is a part of the plugin API. This context manager should: # Prepare for task ## Create a new RepositoryVersion(complete=False number=respository.last_version+1) RepositoryVersion(complete=False) ## Increment RepositoryVersion.repository.last_version ## Create a CreatedResource(content_object=new_version) ## Create a working directory # Finalize after a successful task ## RepositoryVersion.complete = True ## unset working directory # Clean up after a failed task ## Delete new version ## delete created resource ## do not decrement new_version.repository.last_version This list is based on the work done by the File plugin's sync task: