


Issue #3283

Updated by daviddavis over 6 years ago

Looks like drf maps docstring for viewset actions to a description field in the api schema. For example, our artifacts delete action looks like this in the api schema: 

                 "delete": { 
                     "_type": "link", 
                     "action": "delete", 
                     "description": "Remove :class:`` only if it is not associated with any\n``\n\nArgs:\n      request (:class:`rest_framework.request.Request`): request containing JSON payload\n          with information about the artifact being deleted.\n      pk (:class:`uuid.UUID`): Unique id of the artifact being deleted.\n\nReturns:\n      :class:`rest_framework.response.Response` with a 204 status code in case of\n          successful deletion, 409 status code if deletion is not allowed.", 

 This is from the docstring on the action here: 

 This is probably not very friendly for API users. Not sure what the solution here is. 

 Other endpoints with this problem include content create, status, etc.
