Story #2824
Updated by daviddavis over 7 years ago
This is what gets returned if I do a get on /api/v3/repositories or /api/v3/repositories/blah/: repos: <pre> { "_href": "", "content": "", "description": "123456", "importers": [], "last_content_added": null, "last_content_removed": null, "notes": {}, "publishers": [], "scratchpad": { "test": "asgfdds" } } </pre> I can tell that the name of the repo is blah from the _href field. But suppose I name my repo something that needs to be escaped: <pre> { "_href": "", "content": "", "description": "123456", "importers": [], "last_content_added": null, "last_content_removed": null, "notes": {}, "publishers": [], "scratchpad": { "test": "asgfdds" } } </pre> Can you tell the name of the repo here?