


Task #2818

Updated by about 7 years ago

In our MVP call today , we altered the language that describes importer fields. This task is to align the code to what we discussed.  
 *Check "the repositories section of the MVP page": for up to date language.*  

 As an authenticated user I need to be able to configure the following attributes on an Importer: 
 * validate - Boolean, This is optional and defaults to true, If true, (the plugin) will validate imported content. 
 * ssl_ca_certificate - String containing a PEM encoded CA certificate used to validate the server certificate presented by the external source. This is optional. 
 * ssl_client_certificate - String containing a PEM encoded client certificate used for authentication.    This is optional. 
 * ssl_client_key - String containing a PEM encoded private key used for authentication.    This is optional. 
 * ssl_validation - Boolean, defaults to True. If true, SSL peer validation must be performed.    This is optional. 
 * proxy_url - String containing the proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port.     This is optional. 
 * username - String containing the username to be used for authentication when syncing.    This is optional. 
 * password - String containing the password to be used for authentication when syncing. This is optional. 
 * download_policy - String containing the downloading policy name.    (immediate|background|on-demand).    This is optional and defaults to 'immediate' if not set. 
 * feed_url - String containing the URL of an external content source.    This is optional. 
