


Task #2430

Updated by mhrivnak about 7 years ago

Currently Pulp worker DB records workers are deleted when workers the go missing or are shut down, and created when they are first observed or updated. It would be beneficial to keep these records. records around instead. This allows someone to read these records post-mortem. post-mortem, about when which worker went offline and when for example. It has a tertiary benefit that Tasks won't be cascade deleted due to the Worker objects being removed. 

 To resolve this, introduce a boolean named 'online' on the Worker model. The code in pulp_celerybeat that manages these Worker records would be updated to set the 'online' value when bring workers start and stop. online yes/no instead of deleting them. The field's default should correspond with its usage. 

 Currently on 3.0-dev the pulp_celerybeat code all lives inside of here[0].  

