


Story #2735

Updated by about 7 years ago

We state that are able to sync and serve both v1 and v2 content. 

 I tried to docker pull with newer docker client the v1 content and it is not working, unless i install older docker client. 
 The reason why it is not working is that docker client is not making the fail-over to v1 registry because of 302 redirect that eventually server responds with 404 html, but docker client expects a json with specific error code. This prevents docker client to failover to v1 protocol and then therefore to fetch v1 content. 

 In other words the current situation is : it is impossible to docker pull v1 and v2 content with one docker client version. 

 [ipanova@ina crane]$ pulp-admin docker repo list 

                           Docker Repositories 

 Id:                    synctest 
 Display Name:          None 
 Description:           None 
 Content Unit Counts:  
   Docker Blob:       45 
   Docker Manifest: 75 
   Docker Tag:        96 

 Id:                    v1synctest 
 Display Name:          None 
 Description:           None 
 Content Unit Counts:  
   Docker Image: 27 

 [ipanova@ina crane]$ docker pull localhost:1234/synctest 
 Using default tag: latest 
 latest: Pulling from synctest 
 Digest: sha256:32f093055929dbc23dec4d03e09dfe971f5973a9ca5cf059cbfb644c206aa83f 
 Status: Image is up to date for localhost:1234/synctest:latest 
 [ipanova@ina crane]$ docker pull localhost:1234/v1synctest:1-ubuntu 
 Error response from daemon: error parsing HTTP 404 response body: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n<html><head>\n<title>404 Not Found</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Not Found</h1>\n<p>The requested URL /pulp/docker/v2/v1synctest/manifests/1/1-ubuntu was not found on this server.</p>\n</body></html>\n" 

 $ rpm -qa |grep docker 

 Starting from docker client 1.10 and + that behaviour is observed. 

 Meanwhile with 1.9 
 [ipanova@ina ~]$ docker pull localhost:1234/v1synctest:1-ubuntu 
 Pulling repository localhost:1234/v1synctest 
 a6dbc8d6ddbb: Download complete  
 79e69b372961: Download complete  
 Status: Downloaded newer image for localhost:1234/v1synctest:1-ubuntu 
 localhost:1234/v1synctest: this image was pulled from a legacy registry.    Important: This registry version will not be supported in future versions of docker. 
 [ipanova@ina ~]$ docker pull localhost:1234/v1synctest 
 Using default tag: latest 
 Pulling repository localhost:1234/v1synctest 
 Tag latest not found in repository localhost:1234/v1synctest 


 There are just 3 reasons which would allow docker client to fallback to v1 protocol 1) 401 unauthorized 2) 404 manifest unknown 3) i do not remember 

 we need to implement 2 case which would look like: 

     x = {"errors": [{"code": "MANIFEST_UNKNOWN","message": "manifest unknown","detail": {}}]} 

     response = current_app.make_response(json.dumps(x)) 
     response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' 
     response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] = 'registry/2.0' 
     response.status_code = 404 
     return response 

 In order to allow crane to make such stuff ^^ this would imply changes in pulp docker publish and there would be a new redirect file version. The json metadata would contain tags for schema1_data as well. 
 Some changes in crane logic will need to be done accordingly. So before doing blindly the redirect, crane first would check existence of the tag    in schema2_data then in schema1_data, then it would issue instead of 302, the mentioned above 404 and this would allow docker client to make the failover to v1 

 This changes would fix 
