


Refactor #878

Updated by over 7 years ago

Convert the pulp_deb to use MongoEngine models for all unit actions instead of the associated unit  

 * ContentUnit model for docker_image units 
 ** The model is registered via the entry point 
 ** The types .json file is removed, and references to it in the spec files are are also removed 
 * All interactions with units in the plugin use the new unit model and the Repository model for creating, saving and updating units 
 * Convert the model according to the "conversion guide": 

 Supported operations: 

 Milestone 1: 
 * Create repository to host deb packages 
 * Add deb unit to deb repository (implementation detail: importer needs to work) 
 * Publish apt repository (implementation detail: distributor needs to work) 
 * Sign repository metadata within the distributor 

 Milestone 2: 
 * Ability to sync a repo produced at milestone 1 (one dist, one component, one architecture) 

 To be done later: 
 * Full mirror support - problematic for several reasons: 
 ** we need a way to keep track of which deb unit came from which dist/component/architecture 
 ** in order to not invalidate the repo metadata signature, we may have to save the repo metadata files and publish exactly those. 
 * Partial mirror 
 ** ability to specify a whitelist of dist/component/architecture combinations to be synced
