


Story #1268

Updated by mhrivnak over 7 years ago

The API DELETE /pulp/api/v2/content/orphans/ will spawn a task span tasks to delete content.  

 These tasks don't seem to report what they actually deleted. As a user it is useful to know what was deleted so the user can validate changes made to the filesystem and storage. 

 The task should report how many units it deleted of each type. 

 For example, the task status report could look like this to show that 32 rpms were removed: 

   "exception": null,  
   "task_type": "pulp.server.managers.content.orphan.delete_all_orphans",  
   "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/tasks/7b2405ed-ae44-48e7-9d16-6fdcdc0af3f0/",  
   "task_id": "7b2405ed-ae44-48e7-9d16-6fdcdc0af3f0",  
   "tags": [ 
   "finish_time": "2016-11-04T18:18:46Z",  
   "_ns": "task_status",  
   "start_time": "2016-11-04T18:18:46Z",  
   "traceback": null,  
   "spawned_tasks": [],  
   "progress_report": {},  
   "queue": "celery.dq",  
   "state": "finished",  
   "worker_name": "celery",  
   "result": { 
     "rpm": 32 
   "error": null,  
   "_id": { 
     "$oid": "581cd103e96cb59365cf1133" 
   "id": "581cd103e96cb59365cf1133" 
