


Test #4922


Module Streams not copying correctly with recursive and recursive_conservative

Added by bherring over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Platform Release:
Pulp 2


  1. Create and sync the following yum repo (Source) ->

  2. Create another repo Dest which will serve as the destination repo

  3. Go to mongo and pick up a uuid for the pteradactly:2 module stream. This stream will be copied from source to dest .

  4. run the following command

    https://<fqdn>/pulp/api/v2/repositories/Dest/actions/associate/: {"source_repo_id":"Source","criteria":{"type_ids":["modulemd"],"filters":{"association":{"unit_id":{"$in":[<$MODULE UUID>]}}}},"override_config":{"recursive":true}}: {"content_type"=>"application/json", "accept"=>"application/json"}
  5. pulp-admin rpm repo list. Check for the number of module mds copied over by the above call.

  6. notice that with recursive set to true all the pteradactyl module streams gets copied over, instead of just pteradactly:2 and packages belonging to that

  7. Behavior is similar for recursive conservative

Actions #1

Updated by bherring over 5 years ago

  • Copied from Issue #4693: Module Streams not copying correctly with recursive and recursive_conservative added
Actions #2

Updated by bherring over 5 years ago

  • Parent issue set to #4942
Actions #3

Updated by bherring over 5 years ago

Additional Information

09:07 < dalley> bherring, kersom, dkliban: see the etherpad linked here 
09:09 < dalley> bherring, one pattern I picked up is that I believe modules with multiple
                streams where the streams refer to the same RPM versions as other streams
                have issues 
09:09 < dalley> e.g. "latest" stream and "69lts" stream both refer to RPMs with version 6.2.3
09:10 < dalley> the RPMs themselves are supposed to be different because they have the
                commit hash in the filename, but I don't think we're taking that into account 
09:11 < dalley> that's not enough to explain all of the problems but it's the only thing I'm
                certain enough of to suggest writing a test fixture for 
Actions #4

Updated by bherring over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from ASSIGNED to CLOSED - WONTFIX


The libsolv work has been broken up into sub-tasks.

As a result, this test ticket will be disassociated and closed. Instead, sub-Test tickets will cover each of the partial solutions for libsolv until the customer initial issue is resolved. At that point, the customer re-test will validate this parent issue.

Actions #5

Updated by bherring over 5 years ago

  • Copied from deleted (Issue #4693: Module Streams not copying correctly with recursive and recursive_conservative )
Actions #6

Updated by bherring over 5 years ago

  • Parent issue deleted (#4942)

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