


Issue #2037 ยป

mhrivnak, 06/28/2016 08:41 PM

#!/usr/bin/env python
from cStringIO import StringIO
import sys

if sys.version < (2, 7):
# We need the non-C implementation so we can shove a namespace into its internal data structure,
# since in python 2.6, the register_namespace function wasn't present.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET


# this is required because some of the pre-migration XML tags use the "rpm"
# namespace, which causes a parse error if that namespace isn't declared.
FAKE_XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%(encoding)s"?><faketag ' \

def migrate(*args, **kwargs):
Adds a "checksums" DictField and populates it with the known checksum type and value.

Templatizes the XML in "repodata".

:param args: unused
:type args: list
:param kwargs: unused
:type kwargs: dict
ET.register_namespace('rpm', RPM_NAMESPACE)
except AttributeError:
# python 2.6 doesn't have the register_namespace function
ET._namespace_map[RPM_NAMESPACE] = 'rpm'

print _modify_xml(x['repodata'])['other']

def migrate_drpms(collection):
Add the "checksums" attribute in bulk.

Since this migration does not need to do any other operations on individual drpms, we'll just
add the empty dict. It will be auto-populated as needed during publish operations.

:param collection: collection of DRPM units
:type collection: pymongo.collection.Collection
collection.update_many({}, {'$set': {'checksums': {}}})

def migrate_rpm_base(collection, unit):
Templatize the repodata XML and add the "checksums" attribute to the model.

:param collection: collection of RPM units
:type collection: pymongo.collection.Collection
:param unit: the RPM unit being migrated
:type unit: dict
delta = {}
delta['checksums'] = {unit['checksumtype']: unit['checksum']}
delta['repodata'] = _modify_xml(unit['repodata'])

collection.update_one({'_id': unit['_id']}, {'$set': delta})

def _modify_xml(repodata):
Given a unit that has repodata XML snippets, modify them in several necessary ways. These
include changing the location value and adding template strings to checksum elements.

This function and everything it calls was copied from pulp_rpm.plugins.db.models, with slight
modifications as necessary.

:param repodata: the "repodata" attribute from a unit
:type repodata: dict

:return: new repodata dict with templatized XML
:rtype: dict
faked_primary = fake_xml_element(repodata['primary'])
primary = faked_primary.find('package')

faked_other = fake_xml_element(repodata['other'])
other = faked_other.find('package')

faked_filelists = fake_xml_element(repodata['filelists'])
filelists = faked_filelists.find('package')


return {
'primary': remove_fake_element(element_to_text(faked_primary)),
'other': remove_fake_element(element_to_text(other)),
'filelists': remove_fake_element(element_to_text(filelists)),

def _templatize_pkgid(element):
Modify the passed-in element so that it's "pkgid" element contains a template string

:param element: XML element that has a "pkgid" attribute
:type element: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
element.attrib['pkgid'] = '{{ pkgid }}'

def _templatize_checksum(package_element):
Modify the checksum element to contain template strings as the text, and as the "type"

:param package_element: XML element with name "package" from primary.xml
:type package_element: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
c_elem = package_element.find('checksum')
c_elem.text = '{{ checksum }}'
c_elem.attrib['type'] = '{{ checksumtype }}'

def fake_xml_element(repodata_snippet):
Wrap a snippet of xml in a fake element so it can be coerced to an ElementTree Element

:param repodata_snippet: Snippet of XML to be turn into an ElementTree Element
:type repodata_snippet: str

:return: Parsed ElementTree Element containing the parsed repodata snippet
:rtype: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
# make a guess at the encoding
codec = 'UTF-8'
except UnicodeEncodeError:
# best second guess we have, and it will never fail due to the nature
# of the encoding.
codec = 'ISO-8859-1'
fake_xml = FAKE_XML % {'encoding': codec, 'xml': repodata_snippet,
'namespace': RPM_NAMESPACE}
# s/fromstring/phone_home/
return ET.fromstring(fake_xml.encode(codec))

def remove_fake_element(xml_text, first_expected_name='package'):
Given XML text that results from data that ran through the fake_xml_element() function above,
remove the beginning and ending "faketag" elements.

:param xml_text: XML that starts and ends with a <faketag> element
:type xml_text: basestring
:param first_expected_name: the name of the first element expected after the opening faketag
element. Defaults to 'package'.
:type first_expected_name: basestring

:return: new XML string
:rtype: basestring
start_index = xml_text.find('<' + first_expected_name)
end_index = xml_text.rfind('</faketag')

return xml_text[start_index:end_index]

def element_to_text(element):
Given an element, return the raw XML as a string

:param element: an element instance that should be written as XML text
:type element: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element

:return: XML text
:rtype: basestring
out = StringIO()
tree = ET.ElementTree(element)
tree.write(out, encoding='utf-8')
return out.getvalue()

x = {
"_id" : "08ec8fea-cc6a-4c55-a974-b40a4a4f281e",
"version" : "0.9pre",
"repodata" : {
"filelists" : "<package arch=\"x86_64\" name=\"mcelog\" pkgid=\"0f4289ce451c6d185cbbf739e1d9969241dbbdf5\">\n <version epoch=\"1\" rel=\"1.29.el5\" ver=\"0.9pre\" />\n\n <file>/etc/cron.hourly/mcelog.cron</file>\n <file>/etc/mcelog.conf</file>\n <file>/usr/sbin/mcelog</file>\n <file>/usr/share/man/man8/mcelog.8.gz</file>\n</package>\n\n",
"other" : "<package arch=\"x86_64\" name=\"mcelog\" pkgid=\"0f4289ce451c6d185cbbf739e1d9969241dbbdf5\">\n <version epoch=\"1\" rel=\"1.29.el5\" ver=\"0.9pre\" />\n\n<changelog author=\"Dave Jones &lt;;\" date=\"1139436000\">- Update to upstream 0.6</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Dave Jones &lt;;\" date=\"1139522400\">- rebuild.</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Dave Jones &lt;;\" date=\"1147903200\">- Update to upstream 0.7\n- Change frequency to hourly instead of daily.</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Dave Jones &lt;;\" date=\"1151704800\">- Rebuild. (#197385)</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Jesse Keating &lt;;\" date=\"1153173600\">- Rebuild.</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Prarit Bhargava &lt;;\" date=\"1240437600\">- Update to upstream 0.8pre</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Prarit Bhargava &lt;;\" date=\"1242079200\">- Update to upstream 0.9pre\n- Update source location</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Prarit Bhargava &lt;;\" date=\"1242770400\">- back out struct mce changes to match RHEL5 kernel</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Prarit Bhargava &lt;;\" date=\"1248213600\">- do not run on Xen PV guests (domU)</changelog>\n<changelog author=\"Prarit Bhargava &lt;;\" date=\"1257804000\">- do not run on Xen PV guests (domU) v2\n- fix typo</changelog>\n\n</package>",
"primary" : "<package type=\"rpm\">\n <name>mcelog</name>\n <arch>x86_64</arch>\n <version epoch=\"1\" rel=\"1.29.el5\" ver=\"0.9pre\" />\n <checksum pkgid=\"YES\" type=\"sha\">0f4289ce451c6d185cbbf739e1d9969241dbbdf5</checksum>\n <summary>Tool to translate x86-64 CPU Machine Check Exception data.</summary>\n <description>mcelog is a daemon that collects and decodes Machine Check Exception data\non x86-64 machines.</description>\n <packager>Red Hat, Inc. &lt;;</packager>\n <url>git://</url>\n <time build=\"1257795938\" file=\"1267454585\" />\n <size archive=\"59376\" installed=\"58709\" package=\"32132\" />\n<location href=\"mcelog-0.9pre-1.29.el5.x86_64.rpm\"/>\n <format>\n <rpm:license >GPL</rpm:license>\n <rpm:vendor >Red Hat, Inc.</rpm:vendor>\n <rpm:group >System Environment/Base</rpm:group>\n <rpm:buildhost ></rpm:buildhost>\n <rpm:sourcerpm >mcelog-0.9pre-1.29.el5.src.rpm</rpm:sourcerpm>\n <rpm:header-range end=\"4108\" start=\"440\" />\n <rpm:provides >\n <rpm:entry epoch=\"1\" flags=\"EQ\" name=\"mcelog\" rel=\"1.29.el5\" ver=\"0.9pre\" />\n </rpm:provides>\n <rpm:requires >\n <rpm:entry name=\"/bin/bash\" />\n <rpm:entry name=\"\" />\n <rpm:entry name=\"\" />\n <rpm:entry name=\"\" />\n <rpm:entry name=\"\" />\n <rpm:entry name=\"\" />\n <rpm:entry name=\"rtld(GNU_HASH)\" />\n </rpm:requires>\n <file>/etc/cron.hourly/mcelog.cron</file>\n <file>/etc/mcelog.conf</file>\n <file>/usr/sbin/mcelog</file>\n </format>\n</package>\n"
