


Issue #1580 ยป 1580.patch

warning suppression context manager - semyers, 02/10/2016 08:45 PM

View differences:

from pulp.server.exceptions import PulpException, MissingResource, \
from pulp.server.db.connection import suppress_connect_warning
from pulp.server.db.model import Worker, ReservedResource, TaskStatus
from pulp.server.exceptions import NoWorkers
from pulp.server.managers.repo import _common as common_utils
from pulp.server.managers import factory as managers
from pulp.server.managers.schedule import utils
controller = control.Control(app=celery)
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
args = self._type_transform(args)
kwargs = self._type_transform(kwargs)
return super(PulpTask, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
with suppress_connect_warning(_logger):
return super(PulpTask, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
@task(base=PulpTask, acks_late=True)
This overrides PulpTask's __call__() method. We use this method
for task state tracking of Pulp tasks.
# Check task status and skip running the task if task state is 'canceled'.
task_status = TaskStatus.objects.get(
except DoesNotExist:
task_status = None
if task_status and task_status['state'] == constants.CALL_CANCELED_STATE:
_logger.debug("Task cancel received for task-id : [%s]" %
# Update start_time and set the task state to 'running' for asynchronous tasks.
# Skip updating status for eagerly executed tasks, since we don't want to track
# synchronous tasks in our database.
if not self.request.called_directly:
now =
start_time = dateutils.format_iso8601_datetime(now)
# Using 'upsert' to avoid a possible race condition described in the apply_async method
# above.
set__state=constants.CALL_RUNNING_STATE, set__start_time=start_time, upsert=True)
with suppress_connect_warning(_logger):
# Check task status and skip running the task if task state is 'canceled'.
task_status = TaskStatus.objects.get(
except DoesNotExist:
task_status = None
if task_status and task_status['state'] == constants.CALL_CANCELED_STATE:
_logger.debug("Task cancel received for task-id : [%s]" %
# Update start_time and set the task state to 'running' for asynchronous tasks.
# Skip updating status for eagerly executed tasks, since we don't want to track
# synchronous tasks in our database.
if not self.request.called_directly:
now =
start_time = dateutils.format_iso8601_datetime(now)
# Using 'upsert' to avoid a possible race condition described
# in the apply_async method above.
set__state=constants.CALL_RUNNING_STATE, set__start_time=start_time,
# Run the actual task
_logger.debug("Running task : [%s]" %
return super(Task, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
% {'id': kwargs['scheduled_call_id']})
if not self.request.called_directly:
now =
finish_time = dateutils.format_iso8601_datetime(now)
task_status = TaskStatus.objects.get(task_id=task_id)
task_status['finish_time'] = finish_time
task_status['result'] = retval
# Only set the state to finished if it's not already in a complete state. This is
# important for when the task has been canceled, so we don't move the task from canceled
# to finished.
if task_status['state'] not in constants.CALL_COMPLETE_STATES:
task_status['state'] = constants.CALL_FINISHED_STATE
if isinstance(retval, TaskResult):
task_status['result'] = retval.return_value
if retval.error:
task_status['error'] = retval.error.to_dict()
if retval.spawned_tasks:
task_list = []
for spawned_task in retval.spawned_tasks:
if isinstance(spawned_task, AsyncResult):
elif isinstance(spawned_task, dict):
task_status['spawned_tasks'] = task_list
if isinstance(retval, AsyncResult):
task_status['spawned_tasks'] = [retval.task_id, ]
task_status['result'] = None
with suppress_connect_warning(_logger):
now =
finish_time = dateutils.format_iso8601_datetime(now)
task_status = TaskStatus.objects.get(task_id=task_id)
task_status['finish_time'] = finish_time
task_status['result'] = retval
# Only set the state to finished if it's not already in a complete state.
# This is important for when the task has been canceled, so we don't move
# the task from canceled to finished.
if task_status['state'] not in constants.CALL_COMPLETE_STATES:
task_status['state'] = constants.CALL_FINISHED_STATE
if isinstance(retval, TaskResult):
task_status['result'] = retval.return_value
if retval.error:
task_status['error'] = retval.error.to_dict()
if retval.spawned_tasks:
task_list = []
for spawned_task in retval.spawned_tasks:
if isinstance(spawned_task, AsyncResult):
elif isinstance(spawned_task, dict):
task_status['spawned_tasks'] = task_list
if isinstance(retval, AsyncResult):
task_status['spawned_tasks'] = [retval.task_id, ]
task_status['result'] = None
def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
import logging
import ssl
import time
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from gettext import gettext as _
import mongoengine
import semantic_version
from pymongo.collection import Collection
from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect, OperationFailure
from pymongo.son_manipulator import NamespaceInjector
from pulp.common import error_codes
from pulp.server import config
from pulp.server.compat import wraps
from pulp.server.exceptions import PulpCodedException, PulpException
import semantic_version
def suppress_connect_warning(logger):
A context manager that will suppress pymongo's connect before fork warning
python's warnings module gives you a way to filter warnings (warnings.filterwarnings),
and a way to catch warnings (warnings.catch_warnings), but not a way to do both. This
context manager filters out the specific python warning about connecting before fork,
while allowing all other warnings to normally be issued, so they aren't covered up
by this context manager.
The behavior seen here is based on the warnings.catch_warnings context manager, which
also works by stashing the original showwarnings function and replacing it with a custom
function while the context is entered.
Outright replacement of functions in the warnings module is recommended by that module.
The logger from the calling module is used to help identify which call to
this context manager suppressed the pymongo warning.
:param logger: logger from the module using this context manager
:type logger: logging.Logger
warning_func_name = warnings.showwarning.func_name
except AttributeError:
warning_func_name = None
# if the current showwarning func isn't already pymongo_suppressing_showwarning, replace it.
# checking this makes this context manager reentrant with itself, since it won't replace
# showwarning functions already replaced by this CM, but will replace all others
if warning_func_name != 'pymongo_suppressing_showwarning':
original_showwarning = warnings.showwarning
# this is effectively a functools.partial used to generate a version of the warning catcher
# using the passed-in logger and original showwarning function, but the logging module
# rudely checks the type before calling this, and does not accept partials
def pymongo_suppressing_showwarning(*args, **kwargs):
return _pymongo_warning_catcher(logger, original_showwarning, *args, **kwargs)
# replace warnings.showwarning with our pymongo warning catcher,
# using the passed-in logger and the current showwarning function
warnings.showwarning = pymongo_suppressing_showwarning
# whatever happens, restore the original showwarning function
warnings.showwarning = original_showwarning
# showwarning already replaced outside this context manager, nothing to do
def _pymongo_warning_catcher(logger, showwarning, message, category, *args, **kwargs):
An implementation of warnings.showwarning that supresses pymongo's connect before work warning
This is intended to be wrapped with functools.partial by the mechanism that replaces
the warnings.showwarnings function, with the first two args being a list in which to store
the caught pymongo warning(s), and the second being the original warnings.showwarnings
function, through which all other warnings will be passed.
:param caught: list to be populated with caught warnings for inspection in the caller
:type caught: list
:param showwarning: The "real" warnings.showwarning function, for passing unrelated warnings
:type showwarning: types.FunctionType
All remaining args are the same as warnings.showwarning, and are only used here for filtering
message_expected = 'MongoClient opened before fork'
# message is an instance of category, which becomes the warning message when cast as str
if category is UserWarning and message_expected in str(message):
# warning is pymongo connect before fork warning, log it...
logger.debug('pymongo reported connection before fork, ignoring')
# ...and filter it out for the rest of this process's lifetime
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message_expected)
# not interested in this warning, run it through the provided showwarning function
showwarning(message, category, *args, **kwargs)
def _connect_to_one_of_seeds(connection_kwargs, seeds_list, db_name):
Helper function to iterate over a list of database seeds till a successful connection is made
import unittest
import warnings
from mock import call, patch, MagicMock, Mock
from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect
final_answer = mock_func()
m_logger.error.assert_called_once_with('mock_func operation failed on mock_coll')
self.assertTrue(final_answer is 'final')
@patch('warnings.showwarning', autospec=True)
class TestSuppressBeforeForkWarning(unittest.TestCase):
def test_warning_suppressed(self, showwarning):
logger = Mock()
with connection.suppress_connect_warning(logger):
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is not warnings._show_warning)
# The string to match is in this warning...
warnings.warn('MongoClient opened before fork mock warning')
# ...but not this warning
warnings.warn('Mock warning unrelated to MongoClient')
# two warnings were raised in-context: one should emit a debug log message,
# the other should have called showwarning as-normal
self.assertEqual(logger.debug.call_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(showwarning.call_count, 1)
def test_warning_restored(self, showwarning):
logger = Mock()
with connection.suppress_connect_warning(logger):
# inside the context, warnings.showwarning has been replaced
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is not showwarning)
# upon leaving the context, warnings.showwarning is restored
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is showwarning)
def test_warning_restored_after_exception(self, showwarning):
logger = Mock()
showwarning.side_effect = Exception('Oh no!')
with connection.suppress_connect_warning(logger):
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is not showwarning)
self.assertRaises(Exception, warnings.warn, 'This will explode.')
# despite the exception warnings.showwarning is restored,
# even if an exception was raised
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is showwarning)
def test_reentrant(self, showwarning):
logger = Mock()
with connection.suppress_connect_warning(logger):
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is not showwarning)
suppressing_showwarning = warnings.showwarning
with connection.suppress_connect_warning(logger):
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is not showwarning)
# showwarning should not be replaced in this inner context, so the version
# seen in the outer context should still be the current version seen
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is suppressing_showwarning)
# nesting suppress_connect_warning contexts does not implode the universe,
# but does still restore showwarning
self.assertTrue(warnings.showwarning is showwarning)
def test_warnings_ignored(self, showwarning):
logger = Mock()
with connection.suppress_connect_warning(logger):
warnings.warn('MongoClient opened before fork mock warning')
self.assertEqual(showwarning.call_count, 0)
# after catching and logging the connect before fork warning, future warnings should be
# ignored. verify this first by snooping around in warnings.filters and checking that
# the first filter (and therefore newest, based on warnings.filterwarnings behavior)
# is the one added by the suppress_connect_warning context manager
action, regex = warnings.filters[0][:2]
self.assertEqual(action, 'ignore')
self.assertEqual(regex.pattern, 'MongoClient opened before fork')
# also very this by issuing a matching warning outside of the suppressing context,
# and seeing that showwarning is not called
warnings.warn('MongoClient opened before fork mock warning')
self.assertEqual(showwarning.call_count, 0)