


Story #9099

Updated by pulpbot over 2 years ago


 **Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulpcore/2028": 


 Currently an rpm sync task with mirror=true provides mutliple types of created_resources, a version_href and a publication_href. 

 It is left up to the user to figure out how to map an href to a particular object.    This is made more difficult when you consider that we'd want code to detect this generically across all content types without having to code for each one.   

 Its easy to write a regex that would match version href for example: 

 However this would match other href's as well, we could expect an id: 


 but this depends on them being numerical, is that okay? Will that break in the future? 

 It would be helpful to have some set of regex's or some guidance on how to determine if a given href is a: 

 * repository 
 * version 
 * publication 
 * distribution 

 across all content types, with a commitment that (at least for pulp3), that these regexs or guidance will not change.  

 This could be verified with a unit_test at the code level. 

