


Story #4666

Updated by pulpbot over 2 years ago


 **Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulp-certguard/138": 


 ### Motivation 

 It would be very useful for paths to be put into the x.509 extended attributes to see if this client is authorized to access this specific distribution's content. This way whoever is generating the certs (and their expiration dates) determines the access. 

 ### Solution 

 The existing X.509 certguard could automatically be updated to check this correctly. We also need docs with how the openssl tooling can easily make these kind of certs. 

 ### How will we ensure path checking is required? 

 A boolean will be added to the X.509 certguard called `path_check_required` which will default to False. If True, the certificate check must contain a matching path for the content requested. 

