


Issue #9207

Updated by pulpbot over 2 years ago


 **Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulp_file/630": 


 There are no errors thrown when adding file content to a repository where the file name/relative path contains a comma. The PULP_MANIFEST is then updated to include a comma in the relative_path field thus breaking deserialization of the PULP_MANIFEST when referenced as the file remote target (URL) of an external pulp repository. 

 ~~~ text 

 Commas are valid filename characters in both Linux and Windows filesystems. FreeBSD specifically uses a versioning schema that utilizes commas in the filenames of packages to denote [PORTEPOCH](,PORTEPOCH,-From%20time%20to) 

 The fix should be either to serialize the fields using double quotes in accordance with [RFC4180](, URL encode commas in the field, or choose a different serialization format (e.g. YAML, JSON, XML, etc...). 

 I tested using URL encoding of the commas ```%2C``` which allowed the PULP_MANIFEST to successfully be validated and files to be synced but then prevented files from being downloaded from the sync'd repository due to how the file distribution serves file artifacts. 
