


Story #6462

Updated by bmbouter about 4 years ago

## Motivation If django-prometheus is installed/import'able, use it and turn on metrics collection by default. 

 Users of Pulp such as galaxy_ng want uses prometheus via django-prometheus for metrics collection.  
 But it is currently difficult to report on various metrics enable django-prometheus because of application health. 

 ## How? 

 Pulp systems that have [django-prometheus]( installed will receive metrics turned on by default. 

 These metrics would be available at `/metrics/` 

 ## Why at the root way  
 it needs to alter INSTALLED_APPS and not namespaced under Pulp? 

 Various tools that read prometheus metrics MIDDLEWARE.  

 A way to detect/use django-prometheus by default expect them to be available at `/metrics/`. 

 ## Benefit to would make this easier. 
 It would also provide an easy way for pulpcore and other pulp plugins 

 With basic prometheus support, other plugins could add additional custom metrics. to 
 provides a metrics collection endpoint.
