


Story #6065

Updated by daviddavis about 4 years ago

Right now we use Travis for our CI/CD environment. We depend on it for not only testing our code but also for compiling docs, releasing to pypi, etc. The problem is that we're limited to 3 concurrent jobs in Travis while Github Actions offers 20 jobs\[0\]. Also, the job time limit in Travis 

 This epic is 50 minutes vs 6 hours for Github Actions. 

 ### Plan 

 1. Move ansible-pulp and rpm_prerequisites to explore moving to Github Actions and collect data for a while 
 3. Move a plugin like pulp_file or pulp_npm if it's feasible, port our repos from Travis to Github Actions 
 4. Test out the plugin (including performing some releases) 
 5. Move the plugin_template to Github Actions 
 6. Update plugins with new plugin_template Github Actions changes 


