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| .highlight .na { color: #BB4444 } /* Name.Attribute */ |
| .highlight .nb { color: #AA22FF } /* Name.Builtin */ |
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| .highlight .no { color: #880000 } /* Name.Constant */ |
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| .highlight .nt { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ |
| .highlight .nv { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable */ |
| .highlight .ow { color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ |
| .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ |
| .highlight .mb { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ |
| .highlight .mf { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ |
| .highlight .mh { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ |
| .highlight .mi { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ |
| .highlight .mo { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ |
| .highlight .sa { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ |
| .highlight .sb { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ |
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| .highlight .sd { color: #BB4444; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */ |
| .highlight .s2 { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Double */ |
| .highlight .se { color: #BB6622; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Escape */ |
| .highlight .sh { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ |
| .highlight .si { color: #BB6688; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ |
| .highlight .sx { color: #008000 } /* Literal.String.Other */ |
| .highlight .sr { color: #BB6688 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ |
| .highlight .s1 { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Single */ |
| .highlight .ss { color: #B8860B } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ |
| .highlight .bp { color: #AA22FF } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ |
| .highlight .fm { color: #00A000 } /* Name.Function.Magic */ |
| .highlight .vc { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable.Class */ |
| .highlight .vg { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable.Global */ |
| .highlight .vi { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ |
| .highlight .vm { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ |
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| <li class="active"><a href="/pulp/api/v3/">Schema</a></li> |
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| <h1>Schema</h1> |
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| |
| <div class="request-info" style="clear: both" aria-label="request info"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint"><b>GET</b> /pulp/api/v3/</pre> |
| </div> |
| <div class="response-info" aria-label="response info"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint"><span class="meta nocode"><b>HTTP 200 OK</b> |
| <b>Allow:</b> <span class="lit">GET, HEAD, OPTIONS</span> |
| <b>Content-Type:</b> <span class="lit">application/vnd.oai.openapi</span> |
| <b>Vary:</b> <span class="lit">Accept</span> |
| </span>openapi: 3.0.2 |
| info: |
| title: Pulp API |
| version: null |
| paths: |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/status/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/status/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listStatus |
| parameters: [] |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: array |
| items: {} |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/artifacts/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/artifacts/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listArtifacts |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: md5 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: md5 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: sha1 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: sha1 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: sha224 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: sha224 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: sha256 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: sha256 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: sha384 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: sha384 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: sha512 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: sha512 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| file: |
| type: string |
| description: The stored file. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the file in bytes. |
| md5: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The MD5 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha1: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-1 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha224: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-224 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha384: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-384 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha512: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-512 checksum of the file if available. |
| required: |
| - file |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createArtifact |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| file: |
| type: string |
| description: The stored file. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the file in bytes. |
| md5: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The MD5 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha1: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-1 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha224: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-224 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha384: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-384 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha512: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-512 checksum of the file if available. |
| required: |
| - file |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| file: |
| type: string |
| description: The stored file. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the file in bytes. |
| md5: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The MD5 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha1: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-1 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha224: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-224 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha384: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-384 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha512: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-512 checksum of the file if available. |
| required: |
| - file |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/artifacts/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveArtifact |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this artifact. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| file: |
| type: string |
| description: The stored file. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the file in bytes. |
| md5: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The MD5 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha1: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-1 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha224: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-224 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha384: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-384 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha512: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-512 checksum of the file if available. |
| required: |
| - file |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyArtifact |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this artifact. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listPulpExporters |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the file system exporter. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File system directory to store exported tar.gzs. |
| repositories: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| last_export: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Last attempted export for this PulpExporter |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - repositories |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createPulpExporter |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the file system exporter. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File system directory to store exported tar.gzs. |
| repositories: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| last_export: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Last attempted export for this PulpExporter |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - repositories |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the file system exporter. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File system directory to store exported tar.gzs. |
| repositories: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| last_export: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Last attempted export for this PulpExporter |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - repositories |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrievePulpExporter |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this pulp exporter. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the file system exporter. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File system directory to store exported tar.gzs. |
| repositories: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| last_export: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Last attempted export for this PulpExporter |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - repositories |
| description: '' |
| put: |
| operationId: updatePulpExporter |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this pulp exporter. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the file system exporter. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File system directory to store exported tar.gzs. |
| repositories: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| last_export: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Last attempted export for this PulpExporter |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - repositories |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the file system exporter. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File system directory to store exported tar.gzs. |
| repositories: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| last_export: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Last attempted export for this PulpExporter |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - repositories |
| description: '' |
| patch: |
| operationId: partial_updatePulpExporter |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this pulp exporter. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the file system exporter. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File system directory to store exported tar.gzs. |
| repositories: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| last_export: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Last attempted export for this PulpExporter |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the file system exporter. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File system directory to store exported tar.gzs. |
| repositories: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| last_export: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Last attempted export for this PulpExporter |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - repositories |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyPulpExporter |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this pulp exporter. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listPulpImporters |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the Importer. |
| repo_mapping: |
| type: object |
| description: 'Mapping of repo names in an export file to |
| the repo names in Pulp. For example, if the export has |
| a repo named ''foo'' and the repo to import content into |
| was ''bar'', the mapping would be "{''foo'': ''bar''}".' |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createPulpImporter |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the Importer. |
| repo_mapping: |
| type: object |
| description: 'Mapping of repo names in an export file to the repo |
| names in Pulp. For example, if the export has a repo named ''foo'' |
| and the repo to import content into was ''bar'', the mapping would |
| be "{''foo'': ''bar''}".' |
| required: |
| - name |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the Importer. |
| repo_mapping: |
| type: object |
| description: 'Mapping of repo names in an export file to the repo |
| names in Pulp. For example, if the export has a repo named ''foo'' |
| and the repo to import content into was ''bar'', the mapping |
| would be "{''foo'': ''bar''}".' |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrievePulpImporter |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this pulp importer. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the Importer. |
| repo_mapping: |
| type: object |
| description: 'Mapping of repo names in an export file to the repo |
| names in Pulp. For example, if the export has a repo named ''foo'' |
| and the repo to import content into was ''bar'', the mapping |
| would be "{''foo'': ''bar''}".' |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| put: |
| operationId: updatePulpImporter |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this pulp importer. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the Importer. |
| repo_mapping: |
| type: object |
| description: 'Mapping of repo names in an export file to the repo |
| names in Pulp. For example, if the export has a repo named ''foo'' |
| and the repo to import content into was ''bar'', the mapping would |
| be "{''foo'': ''bar''}".' |
| required: |
| - name |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the Importer. |
| repo_mapping: |
| type: object |
| description: 'Mapping of repo names in an export file to the repo |
| names in Pulp. For example, if the export has a repo named ''foo'' |
| and the repo to import content into was ''bar'', the mapping |
| would be "{''foo'': ''bar''}".' |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| patch: |
| operationId: partial_updatePulpImporter |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this pulp importer. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the Importer. |
| repo_mapping: |
| type: object |
| description: 'Mapping of repo names in an export file to the repo |
| names in Pulp. For example, if the export has a repo named ''foo'' |
| and the repo to import content into was ''bar'', the mapping would |
| be "{''foo'': ''bar''}".' |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Unique name of the Importer. |
| repo_mapping: |
| type: object |
| description: 'Mapping of repo names in an export file to the repo |
| names in Pulp. For example, if the export has a repo named ''foo'' |
| and the repo to import content into was ''bar'', the mapping |
| would be "{''foo'': ''bar''}".' |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyPulpImporter |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this pulp importer. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/signing-services/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/signing-services/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listSigningServices |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name used to recognize a script. |
| script: |
| type: string |
| description: An absolute path to a script which is going |
| to be used for the signing. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - script |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/signing-services/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveSigningService |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this signing service. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name used to recognize a script. |
| script: |
| type: string |
| description: An absolute path to a script which is going to be |
| used for the signing. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - script |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/task-groups/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/task-groups/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listTaskGroups |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: A description of the task group. |
| all_tasks_dispatched: |
| type: boolean |
| description: Whether all tasks have been spawned for this |
| task group. |
| waiting: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'waiting' state |
| skipped: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'skipped' state |
| running: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'running' state |
| completed: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'completed' state |
| canceled: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'canceled' state |
| failed: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'failed' state |
| required: |
| - description |
| - all_tasks_dispatched |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/task-groups/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveTaskGroup |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this task group. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: A description of the task group. |
| all_tasks_dispatched: |
| type: boolean |
| description: Whether all tasks have been spawned for this task |
| group. |
| waiting: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'waiting' state |
| skipped: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'skipped' state |
| running: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'running' state |
| completed: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'completed' state |
| canceled: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'canceled' state |
| failed: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Number of tasks in the 'failed' state |
| required: |
| - description |
| - all_tasks_dispatched |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/tasks/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/tasks/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listTasks |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__contains |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__contains |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: state |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: state |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: state__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: state__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: worker |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: worker |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: worker__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: worker__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: started_at__lt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: started_at__lt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: started_at__lte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: started_at__lte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: started_at__gt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: started_at__gt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: started_at__gte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: started_at__gte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: started_at__range |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: started_at__range |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: finished_at__lt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: finished_at__lt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: finished_at__lte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: finished_at__lte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: finished_at__gt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: finished_at__gt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: finished_at__gte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: finished_at__gte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: finished_at__range |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: finished_at__range |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: parent_task |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: parent_task |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: child_tasks |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: child_tasks |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: task_group |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: task_group |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: reserved_resources_record |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: reserved_resources_record |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: created_resources |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: created_resources |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: started_at |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: started_at |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: finished_at |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: finished_at |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| state: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: 'The current state of the task. The possible |
| values include: ''waiting'', ''skipped'', ''running'', |
| ''completed'', ''failed'' and ''canceled''.' |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: The name of task. |
| started_at: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the when this task started execution. |
| finished_at: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the when this task stopped execution. |
| error: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| description: A JSON Object of a fatal error encountered |
| during the execution of this task. |
| worker: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The worker associated with this task. This |
| field is empty if a worker is not yet assigned. |
| parent_task: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The parent task that spawned this task. |
| child_tasks: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Any tasks spawned by this task. |
| task_group: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The task group that this task is a member of. |
| progress_reports: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| message: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The message shown to the user for the |
| progress report. |
| code: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Identifies the type of progress report'. |
| state: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: 'The current state of the progress report. |
| The possible values are: ''waiting'', ''skipped'', |
| ''running'', ''completed'', ''failed'' and ''canceled''. |
| The default is ''waiting''.' |
| total: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The total count of items. |
| done: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The count of items already processed. |
| Defaults to 0. |
| suffix: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| nullable: true |
| description: The suffix to be shown with the progress |
| report. |
| readOnly: true |
| created_resources: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Resources created by this task. |
| reserved_resources_record: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: {} |
| readOnly: true |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/tasks/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveTask |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this task. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| state: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: 'The current state of the task. The possible values |
| include: ''waiting'', ''skipped'', ''running'', ''completed'', |
| ''failed'' and ''canceled''.' |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: The name of task. |
| started_at: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the when this task started execution. |
| finished_at: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the when this task stopped execution. |
| error: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| description: A JSON Object of a fatal error encountered during |
| the execution of this task. |
| worker: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The worker associated with this task. This field |
| is empty if a worker is not yet assigned. |
| parent_task: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The parent task that spawned this task. |
| child_tasks: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Any tasks spawned by this task. |
| task_group: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The task group that this task is a member of. |
| progress_reports: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| message: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The message shown to the user for the progress |
| report. |
| code: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Identifies the type of progress report'. |
| state: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: 'The current state of the progress report. |
| The possible values are: ''waiting'', ''skipped'', ''running'', |
| ''completed'', ''failed'' and ''canceled''. The default |
| is ''waiting''.' |
| total: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The total count of items. |
| done: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The count of items already processed. Defaults |
| to 0. |
| suffix: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| nullable: true |
| description: The suffix to be shown with the progress report. |
| readOnly: true |
| created_resources: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Resources created by this task. |
| reserved_resources_record: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: {} |
| readOnly: true |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| patch: |
| operationId: partial_updateTask |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this task. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| state: |
| type: string |
| description: The desired state of the task. Only 'canceled' is accepted. |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| state: |
| type: string |
| description: The desired state of the task. Only 'canceled' is |
| accepted. |
| required: |
| - state |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyTask |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this task. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/uploads/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/uploads/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listUploads |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: completed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: completed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the upload in bytes. |
| completed: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp when upload is committed. |
| required: |
| - size |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createUpload |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the upload in bytes. |
| required: |
| - size |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the upload in bytes. |
| completed: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp when upload is committed. |
| required: |
| - size |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/uploads/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveUpload |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this upload. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the upload in bytes. |
| completed: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp when upload is committed. |
| chunks: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| file: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: A chunk of the uploaded file. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum of the chunk if available. |
| offset: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| required: |
| - file |
| readOnly: true |
| required: |
| - size |
| description: '' |
| put: |
| operationId: updateUpload |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this upload. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| file: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: A chunk of the uploaded file. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum of the chunk if available. |
| required: |
| - file |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| offset: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| required: [] |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyUpload |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this upload. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/workers/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/workers/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listWorkers |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: last_heartbeat__lt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: last_heartbeat__lt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: last_heartbeat__lte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: last_heartbeat__lte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: last_heartbeat__gt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: last_heartbeat__gt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: last_heartbeat__gte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: last_heartbeat__gte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: last_heartbeat__range |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: last_heartbeat__range |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: online |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: online |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: missing |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: missing |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: last_heartbeat |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: last_heartbeat |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The name of the worker. |
| last_heartbeat: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the last time the worker talked |
| to the service. |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/workers/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveWorker |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this worker. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The name of the worker. |
| last_heartbeat: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the last time the worker talked to the |
| service. |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/distributions/ansible/ansible/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/distributions/ansible/ansible/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listAnsibleDistributions |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: base_path |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: base_path |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: base_path__contains |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: base_path__contains |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: base_path__icontains |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: base_path__icontains |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: base_path__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: base_path__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with |
| other distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The latest RepositoryVersion for this Repository |
| will be served. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: RepositoryVersion to be served |
| client_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL of a Collection content source. |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createAnsibleDistribution |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other distribution |
| base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The latest RepositoryVersion for this Repository will |
| be served. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: RepositoryVersion to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other |
| distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The latest RepositoryVersion for this Repository |
| will be served. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: RepositoryVersion to be served |
| client_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL of a Collection content source. |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/distributions/ansible/ansible/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveAnsibleDistribution |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible distribution. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other |
| distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The latest RepositoryVersion for this Repository |
| will be served. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: RepositoryVersion to be served |
| client_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL of a Collection content source. |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| put: |
| operationId: updateAnsibleDistribution |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible distribution. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other distribution |
| base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The latest RepositoryVersion for this Repository will |
| be served. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: RepositoryVersion to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other |
| distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The latest RepositoryVersion for this Repository |
| will be served. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: RepositoryVersion to be served |
| client_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL of a Collection content source. |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| patch: |
| operationId: partial_updateAnsibleDistribution |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible distribution. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other distribution |
| base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The latest RepositoryVersion for this Repository will |
| be served. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: RepositoryVersion to be served |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other |
| distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The latest RepositoryVersion for this Repository |
| will be served. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: RepositoryVersion to be served |
| client_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL of a Collection content source. |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyAnsibleDistribution |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible distribution. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/ansible/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/ansible/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listAnsibleRemotes |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__lt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__lt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__lte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__lte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__gt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__gt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__gte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__gte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__range |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__range |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the |
| remote server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client |
| certificate used for authentication. All new line characters |
| must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication |
| when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication |
| when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the |
| remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createAnsibleRemote |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/ansible/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveAnsibleRemote |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible remote. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| put: |
| operationId: updateAnsibleRemote |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible remote. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| patch: |
| operationId: partial_updateAnsibleRemote |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible remote. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyAnsibleRemote |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible remote. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ansible/ansible/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ansible/ansible/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listAnsibleRepositorys |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| versions_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| latest_version_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this repository. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional description. |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createAnsibleRepository |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this repository. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional description. |
| required: |
| - name |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| versions_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| latest_version_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this repository. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional description. |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/repositories/ansible/ansible/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveAnsibleRepository |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible repository. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| versions_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| latest_version_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this repository. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional description. |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| put: |
| operationId: updateAnsibleRepository |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible repository. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this repository. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional description. |
| required: |
| - name |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| versions_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| latest_version_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this repository. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional description. |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| patch: |
| operationId: partial_updateAnsibleRepository |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible repository. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this repository. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional description. |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| versions_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| latest_version_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this repository. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional description. |
| required: |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyAnsibleRepository |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this ansible repository. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/collection/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/collection/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listCollectionRemotes |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__lt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__lt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__lte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__lte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__gt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__gt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__gte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__gte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__range |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__range |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the |
| remote server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client |
| certificate used for authentication. All new line characters |
| must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication |
| when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication |
| when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the |
| remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| requirements_file: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The string version of Collection requirements |
| yaml. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createCollectionRemote |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| requirements_file: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The string version of Collection requirements yaml. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| requirements_file: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The string version of Collection requirements yaml. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/collection/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveCollectionRemote |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this collection remote. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| requirements_file: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The string version of Collection requirements yaml. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| put: |
| operationId: updateCollectionRemote |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this collection remote. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| requirements_file: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The string version of Collection requirements yaml. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| requirements_file: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The string version of Collection requirements yaml. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| patch: |
| operationId: partial_updateCollectionRemote |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this collection remote. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| requirements_file: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The string version of Collection requirements yaml. |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name for this remote. |
| url: |
| type: string |
| description: The URL of an external content source. |
| ca_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded CA certificate |
| used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote |
| server. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_cert: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A string containing the PEM encoded client certificate |
| used for authentication. All new line characters must be escaped. |
| client_key: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
| tls_validation: |
| type: boolean |
| description: If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. |
| proxy_url: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: 'The proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port' |
| username: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| password: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
| pulp_last_updated: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. |
| download_concurrency: |
| type: integer |
| minimum: 1 |
| description: Total number of simultaneous connections. |
| policy: |
| enum: |
| - immediate |
| - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. |
| default: immediate |
| description: The policy to use when downloading content. |
| requirements_file: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The string version of Collection requirements yaml. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - url |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyCollectionRemote |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this collection remote. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/ansible/collection_versions/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/ansible/collection_versions/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listCollectionVersions |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: namespace |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: namespace |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: q |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: q |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: is_highest |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: is_highest |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: certification |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: certification |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: tags |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: tags |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: deprecated |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: deprecated |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| md5: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The MD5 checksum if available. |
| sha1: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-1 checksum if available. |
| sha224: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-224 checksum if available. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| sha384: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-384 checksum if available. |
| sha512: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-512 checksum if available. |
| id: |
| type: string |
| format: uuid |
| description: A collection identifier. |
| authors: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: A list of the CollectionVersion content's authors. |
| contents: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: object |
| description: A JSON field with data about the contents. |
| dependencies: |
| type: object |
| description: A dict declaring Collections that this collection |
| requires to be installed for it to be usable. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: A short summary description of the collection. |
| docs_blob: |
| type: object |
| description: A JSON field holding the various documentation |
| blobs in the collection. |
| documentation: |
| type: string |
| format: uri |
| description: The URL to any online docs. |
| maxLength: 2000 |
| pattern: "^(?:[a-z0-9\\.\\-\\+]*)://(?:[^\\s:@/]+(?::[^\\\ |
| s:@/]*)?@)?(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[0-1]?\\d?\\d)(?:\\\ |
| .(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[0-1]?\\d?\\d)){3}|\\[[0-9a-f:\\\ |
| .]+\\]|([a-z\xA1-\uFFFF0-9](?:[a-z\xA1-\uFFFF0-9-]{0,61}[a-z\xA1\ |
| -\uFFFF0-9])?(?:\\.(?!-)[a-z\xA1-\uFFFF0-9-]{1,63}(? |
| |
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| |
| /pulp/api/v3/ansible/collections/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listCollections |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: namespace |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: namespace |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: The name of the Collection. |
| namespace: |
| type: string |
| description: The namespace of the Collection. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - namespace |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/ansible/collections/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveCollection |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this collection. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: The name of the Collection. |
| namespace: |
| type: string |
| description: The namespace of the Collection. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - namespace |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/ansible/roles/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/ansible/roles/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listRoles |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: namespace |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: namespace |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| version: |
| type: string |
| name: |
| type: string |
| namespace: |
| type: string |
| required: |
| - artifact |
| - version |
| - name |
| - namespace |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createRole |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| version: |
| type: string |
| name: |
| type: string |
| namespace: |
| type: string |
| required: |
| - artifact |
| - version |
| - name |
| - namespace |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| version: |
| type: string |
| name: |
| type: string |
| namespace: |
| type: string |
| required: |
| - artifact |
| - version |
| - name |
| - namespace |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/ansible/roles/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveRole |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this role. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| version: |
| type: string |
| name: |
| type: string |
| namespace: |
| type: string |
| required: |
| - artifact |
| - version |
| - name |
| - namespace |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/pulp_ansible/tags/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/pulp_ansible/tags/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listTags |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/distribution_trees/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/distribution_trees/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listDistributionTrees |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| header_version: |
| type: string |
| description: Header Version. |
| release_name: |
| type: string |
| description: Release name. |
| release_short: |
| type: string |
| description: Release short name. |
| release_version: |
| type: string |
| description: Release version. |
| release_is_layered: |
| type: boolean |
| description: Typically False for an operating system, True |
| otherwise. |
| base_product_name: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Base Product name. |
| base_product_short: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Base Product short name. |
| base_product_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Base Product version. |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| description: Tree architecturerch. |
| build_timestamp: |
| type: number |
| description: Tree build time timestamp. |
| instimage: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Relative path to Anaconda instimage. |
| mainimage: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Relative path to Anaconda stage2 image. |
| discnum: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: Disc number. |
| totaldiscs: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: Number of discs in media set. |
| addons: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| addon_id: |
| type: string |
| description: Addon id. |
| uid: |
| type: string |
| description: Addon uid. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Addon name. |
| type: |
| type: string |
| description: Addon type. |
| packages: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to directory with binary |
| RPMs. |
| required: |
| - addon_id |
| - uid |
| - name |
| - type |
| - packages |
| checksums: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File path. |
| checksum: |
| type: string |
| description: Checksum for the file. |
| required: |
| - path |
| - checksum |
| images: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: File name. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File path. |
| platforms: |
| type: string |
| description: Compatible platforms. |
| artifact: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| file: |
| type: string |
| description: The stored file. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the file in bytes. |
| md5: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The MD5 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha1: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-1 checksum of the file if |
| available. |
| sha224: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-224 checksum of the file |
| if available. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum of the file |
| if available. |
| sha384: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-384 checksum of the file |
| if available. |
| sha512: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-512 checksum of the file |
| if available. |
| required: |
| - file |
| type: object |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - platforms |
| - artifact |
| variants: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| variant_id: |
| type: string |
| description: Variant id. |
| uid: |
| type: string |
| description: Variant uid. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Variant name. |
| type: |
| type: string |
| description: Variant type. |
| packages: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to directory with binary |
| RPMs. |
| source_packages: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to directory with source |
| RPMs. |
| source_repository: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to YUM repository with |
| source RPMs. |
| debug_packages: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to directory with debug |
| RPMs. |
| debug_repository: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to YUM repository with |
| debug RPMs. |
| identity: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to a pem file that identifies |
| a product. |
| required: |
| - variant_id |
| - uid |
| - name |
| - type |
| - packages |
| - source_packages |
| - source_repository |
| - debug_packages |
| - debug_repository |
| - identity |
| required: |
| - header_version |
| - release_name |
| - release_short |
| - release_version |
| - release_is_layered |
| - base_product_name |
| - base_product_short |
| - base_product_version |
| - arch |
| - build_timestamp |
| - instimage |
| - mainimage |
| - discnum |
| - totaldiscs |
| - addons |
| - checksums |
| - images |
| - variants |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/distribution_trees/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveDistributionTree |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this distribution tree. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| header_version: |
| type: string |
| description: Header Version. |
| release_name: |
| type: string |
| description: Release name. |
| release_short: |
| type: string |
| description: Release short name. |
| release_version: |
| type: string |
| description: Release version. |
| release_is_layered: |
| type: boolean |
| description: Typically False for an operating system, True otherwise. |
| base_product_name: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Base Product name. |
| base_product_short: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Base Product short name. |
| base_product_version: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Base Product version. |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| description: Tree architecturerch. |
| build_timestamp: |
| type: number |
| description: Tree build time timestamp. |
| instimage: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Relative path to Anaconda instimage. |
| mainimage: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Relative path to Anaconda stage2 image. |
| discnum: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: Disc number. |
| totaldiscs: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: Number of discs in media set. |
| addons: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| addon_id: |
| type: string |
| description: Addon id. |
| uid: |
| type: string |
| description: Addon uid. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Addon name. |
| type: |
| type: string |
| description: Addon type. |
| packages: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to directory with binary RPMs. |
| required: |
| - addon_id |
| - uid |
| - name |
| - type |
| - packages |
| checksums: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File path. |
| checksum: |
| type: string |
| description: Checksum for the file. |
| required: |
| - path |
| - checksum |
| images: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: File name. |
| path: |
| type: string |
| description: File path. |
| platforms: |
| type: string |
| description: Compatible platforms. |
| artifact: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| file: |
| type: string |
| description: The stored file. |
| size: |
| type: integer |
| description: The size of the file in bytes. |
| md5: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The MD5 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha1: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-1 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha224: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-224 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha384: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-384 checksum of the file if available. |
| sha512: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: The SHA-512 checksum of the file if available. |
| required: |
| - file |
| type: object |
| required: |
| - name |
| - path |
| - platforms |
| - artifact |
| variants: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| variant_id: |
| type: string |
| description: Variant id. |
| uid: |
| type: string |
| description: Variant uid. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Variant name. |
| type: |
| type: string |
| description: Variant type. |
| packages: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to directory with binary RPMs. |
| source_packages: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to directory with source RPMs. |
| source_repository: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to YUM repository with source |
| RPMs. |
| debug_packages: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to directory with debug RPMs. |
| debug_repository: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to YUM repository with debug |
| RPMs. |
| identity: |
| type: string |
| description: Relative path to a pem file that identifies |
| a product. |
| required: |
| - variant_id |
| - uid |
| - name |
| - type |
| - packages |
| - source_packages |
| - source_repository |
| - debug_packages |
| - debug_repository |
| - identity |
| required: |
| - header_version |
| - release_name |
| - release_short |
| - release_version |
| - release_is_layered |
| - base_product_name |
| - base_product_short |
| - base_product_version |
| - arch |
| - build_timestamp |
| - instimage |
| - mainimage |
| - discnum |
| - totaldiscs |
| - addons |
| - checksums |
| - images |
| - variants |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyDistributionTree |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this distribution tree. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/modulemd_defaults/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/modulemd_defaults/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listModulemdDefaults |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: module |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: module |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: module__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: module__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: stream |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: stream |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: stream__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: stream__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: sha256 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: sha256 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| module: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd name. |
| stream: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd default stream. |
| profiles: |
| type: object |
| description: Default profiles for modulemd streams. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| required: |
| - module |
| - stream |
| - profiles |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createModulemdDefaults |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| relative_path: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: Path where the artifact is located relative to distributions |
| base_path |
| file: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: An uploaded file that may be turned into the artifact |
| of the content unit. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: A URI of a repository the new content unit should be |
| associated with. |
| module: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd name. |
| stream: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd default stream. |
| profiles: |
| type: object |
| description: Default profiles for modulemd streams. |
| required: |
| - relative_path |
| - module |
| - stream |
| - profiles |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| module: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd name. |
| stream: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd default stream. |
| profiles: |
| type: object |
| description: Default profiles for modulemd streams. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| required: |
| - module |
| - stream |
| - profiles |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/modulemd_defaults/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveModulemdDefaults |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this modulemd defaults. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| module: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd name. |
| stream: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd default stream. |
| profiles: |
| type: object |
| description: Default profiles for modulemd streams. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| required: |
| - module |
| - stream |
| - profiles |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/modulemds/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/modulemds/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listModulemds |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: stream |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: stream |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: stream__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: stream__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: sha256 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: sha256 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd name. |
| stream: |
| type: string |
| description: Stream name. |
| version: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd version. |
| context: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd context. |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd architecture. |
| artifacts: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Modulemd artifacts. |
| dependencies: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Modulemd dependencies. |
| packages: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd artifacts' packages. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - stream |
| - version |
| - context |
| - arch |
| - artifacts |
| - dependencies |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createModulemd |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| relative_path: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: Path where the artifact is located relative to distributions |
| base_path |
| file: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: An uploaded file that may be turned into the artifact |
| of the content unit. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: A URI of a repository the new content unit should be |
| associated with. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd name. |
| stream: |
| type: string |
| description: Stream name. |
| version: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd version. |
| context: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd context. |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd architecture. |
| artifacts: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Modulemd artifacts. |
| dependencies: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Modulemd dependencies. |
| packages: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd artifacts' packages. |
| required: |
| - relative_path |
| - name |
| - stream |
| - version |
| - context |
| - arch |
| - artifacts |
| - dependencies |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd name. |
| stream: |
| type: string |
| description: Stream name. |
| version: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd version. |
| context: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd context. |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd architecture. |
| artifacts: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Modulemd artifacts. |
| dependencies: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Modulemd dependencies. |
| packages: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd artifacts' packages. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - stream |
| - version |
| - context |
| - arch |
| - artifacts |
| - dependencies |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/modulemds/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveModulemd |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this modulemd. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd name. |
| stream: |
| type: string |
| description: Stream name. |
| version: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd version. |
| context: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd context. |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd architecture. |
| artifacts: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Modulemd artifacts. |
| dependencies: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Modulemd dependencies. |
| packages: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Modulemd artifacts' packages. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| required: |
| - name |
| - stream |
| - version |
| - context |
| - arch |
| - artifacts |
| - dependencies |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagecategories/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagecategories/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listPackageCategorys |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| id: |
| type: string |
| description: Category id. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Category name. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: Category description. |
| display_order: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: Category display order. |
| group_ids: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Category group list. |
| desc_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Category description by language. |
| name_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Category name by language. |
| digest: |
| type: string |
| description: Category digest. |
| packagegroups: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroups related to this category. |
| required: |
| - id |
| - name |
| - description |
| - display_order |
| - group_ids |
| - desc_by_lang |
| - name_by_lang |
| - digest |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagecategories/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrievePackageCategory |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package category. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| id: |
| type: string |
| description: Category id. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Category name. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: Category description. |
| display_order: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: Category display order. |
| group_ids: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Category group list. |
| desc_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Category description by language. |
| name_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Category name by language. |
| digest: |
| type: string |
| description: Category digest. |
| packagegroups: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroups related to this category. |
| required: |
| - id |
| - name |
| - description |
| - display_order |
| - group_ids |
| - desc_by_lang |
| - name_by_lang |
| - digest |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyPackageCategory |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package category. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packageenvironments/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packageenvironments/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listPackageEnvironments |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| id: |
| type: string |
| description: Environment id. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Environment name. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: Environment description. |
| display_order: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment display order. |
| group_ids: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment group list. |
| option_ids: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment option ids |
| desc_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment description by language. |
| name_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment name by language. |
| digest: |
| type: string |
| description: Environment digest. |
| packagegroups: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Groups related to this Environment. |
| optionalgroups: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Groups optionally related to this Environment. |
| required: |
| - id |
| - name |
| - description |
| - display_order |
| - group_ids |
| - option_ids |
| - desc_by_lang |
| - name_by_lang |
| - digest |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packageenvironments/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrievePackageEnvironment |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package environment. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| id: |
| type: string |
| description: Environment id. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: Environment name. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: Environment description. |
| display_order: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment display order. |
| group_ids: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment group list. |
| option_ids: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment option ids |
| desc_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment description by language. |
| name_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Environment name by language. |
| digest: |
| type: string |
| description: Environment digest. |
| packagegroups: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Groups related to this Environment. |
| optionalgroups: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Groups optionally related to this Environment. |
| required: |
| - id |
| - name |
| - description |
| - display_order |
| - group_ids |
| - option_ids |
| - desc_by_lang |
| - name_by_lang |
| - digest |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyPackageEnvironment |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package environment. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagegroups/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagegroups/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listPackageGroups |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| id: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroup id. |
| default: |
| type: boolean |
| description: PackageGroup default. |
| user_visible: |
| type: boolean |
| description: PackageGroup user visibility. |
| display_order: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: PackageGroup display order. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroup name. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroup description. |
| packages: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: PackageGroup package list. |
| biarch_only: |
| type: boolean |
| description: PackageGroup biarch only. |
| desc_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: PackageGroup description by language. |
| name_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: PackageGroup name by language. |
| digest: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroup digest. |
| related_packages: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Packages related to this PackageGroup. |
| required: |
| - id |
| - display_order |
| - name |
| - description |
| - packages |
| - desc_by_lang |
| - name_by_lang |
| - digest |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagegroups/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrievePackageGroup |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package group. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| id: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroup id. |
| default: |
| type: boolean |
| description: PackageGroup default. |
| user_visible: |
| type: boolean |
| description: PackageGroup user visibility. |
| display_order: |
| type: integer |
| nullable: true |
| description: PackageGroup display order. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroup name. |
| description: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroup description. |
| packages: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: PackageGroup package list. |
| biarch_only: |
| type: boolean |
| description: PackageGroup biarch only. |
| desc_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: PackageGroup description by language. |
| name_by_lang: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: PackageGroup name by language. |
| digest: |
| type: string |
| description: PackageGroup digest. |
| related_packages: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| type: string |
| description: Packages related to this PackageGroup. |
| required: |
| - id |
| - display_order |
| - name |
| - description |
| - packages |
| - desc_by_lang |
| - name_by_lang |
| - digest |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyPackageGroup |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package group. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagelangpacks/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagelangpacks/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listPackageLangpacks |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| matches: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Langpacks matches. |
| digest: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Langpacks digest. |
| required: |
| - matches |
| - digest |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagelangpacks/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrievePackageLangpacks |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package langpacks. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| matches: |
| type: object |
| nullable: true |
| description: Langpacks matches. |
| digest: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Langpacks digest. |
| required: |
| - matches |
| - digest |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyPackageLangpacks |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package langpacks. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packages/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packages/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listPackages |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__ne |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__ne |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: epoch |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: epoch |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: epoch__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: epoch__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: epoch__ne |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: epoch__ne |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: version__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: version__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: version__ne |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: version__ne |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: release |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: release |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: release__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: release__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: release__ne |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: release__ne |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: arch |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: arch |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: arch__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: arch__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: arch__ne |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: arch__ne |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pkgId |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pkgId |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pkgId__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pkgId__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: checksum_type |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: checksum_type |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: checksum_type__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: checksum_type__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: checksum_type__ne |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: checksum_type__ne |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: sha256 |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: sha256 |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| name: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the package |
| epoch: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The package's epoch |
| version: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The version of the package. For example, '2.8.0' |
| release: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The release of a particular version of the |
| package. e.g. '1.el7' or '3.f24' |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The target architecture for a package.For example, |
| 'x86_64', 'i686', or 'noarch' |
| pkgId: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Checksum of the package file |
| checksum_type: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Type of checksum, e.g. 'sha256', 'md5' |
| summary: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Short description of the packaged software |
| description: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: In-depth description of the packaged software |
| url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: URL with more information about the packaged |
| software |
| changelogs: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Changelogs that package contains |
| files: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Files that package contains |
| requires: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package requires |
| provides: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package provides |
| conflicts: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package conflicts |
| obsoletes: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package obsoletes |
| suggests: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package suggests |
| enhances: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package enhances |
| recommends: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package recommends |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| supplements: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package supplements |
| location_base: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Base location of this package |
| location_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Relative location of package to the repodata |
| rpm_buildhost: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Hostname of the system that built the package |
| rpm_group: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: 'RPM group (See: <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups" rel="nofollow">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups</a>)' |
| rpm_license: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: License term applicable to the package software |
| (GPLv2, etc.) |
| rpm_packager: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Person or persons responsible for creating |
| the package |
| rpm_sourcerpm: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the source package (srpm) the package |
| was built from |
| rpm_vendor: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the organization that produced the |
| package |
| rpm_header_start: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: First byte of the header |
| rpm_header_end: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Last byte of the header |
| is_modular: |
| type: boolean |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Flag to identify if the package is modular |
| size_archive: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Size, in bytes, of the archive portion of the |
| original package file |
| size_installed: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Total size, in bytes, of every file installed |
| by this package |
| size_package: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Size, in bytes, of the package |
| time_build: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Time the package was built in seconds since |
| the epoch |
| time_file: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The 'file' time attribute in the primary XML |
| - file mtime in seconds since the epoch. |
| required: [] |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createPackage |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| relative_path: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: Path where the artifact is located relative to distributions |
| base_path |
| file: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: An uploaded file that may be turned into the artifact |
| of the content unit. |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| writeOnly: true |
| description: A URI of a repository the new content unit should be |
| associated with. |
| required: |
| - relative_path |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| name: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the package |
| epoch: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The package's epoch |
| version: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The version of the package. For example, '2.8.0' |
| release: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The release of a particular version of the package. |
| e.g. '1.el7' or '3.f24' |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The target architecture for a package.For example, |
| 'x86_64', 'i686', or 'noarch' |
| pkgId: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Checksum of the package file |
| checksum_type: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Type of checksum, e.g. 'sha256', 'md5' |
| summary: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Short description of the packaged software |
| description: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: In-depth description of the packaged software |
| url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: URL with more information about the packaged software |
| changelogs: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Changelogs that package contains |
| files: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Files that package contains |
| requires: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package requires |
| provides: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package provides |
| conflicts: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package conflicts |
| obsoletes: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package obsoletes |
| suggests: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package suggests |
| enhances: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package enhances |
| recommends: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package recommends |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| supplements: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package supplements |
| location_base: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Base location of this package |
| location_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Relative location of package to the repodata |
| rpm_buildhost: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Hostname of the system that built the package |
| rpm_group: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: 'RPM group (See: <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups" rel="nofollow">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups</a>)' |
| rpm_license: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: License term applicable to the package software (GPLv2, |
| etc.) |
| rpm_packager: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Person or persons responsible for creating the package |
| rpm_sourcerpm: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the source package (srpm) the package was |
| built from |
| rpm_vendor: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the organization that produced the package |
| rpm_header_start: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: First byte of the header |
| rpm_header_end: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Last byte of the header |
| is_modular: |
| type: boolean |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Flag to identify if the package is modular |
| size_archive: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Size, in bytes, of the archive portion of the original |
| package file |
| size_installed: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Total size, in bytes, of every file installed by |
| this package |
| size_package: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Size, in bytes, of the package |
| time_build: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Time the package was built in seconds since the epoch |
| time_file: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The 'file' time attribute in the primary XML - file |
| mtime in seconds since the epoch. |
| required: [] |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packages/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrievePackage |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this package. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| name: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the package |
| epoch: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The package's epoch |
| version: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The version of the package. For example, '2.8.0' |
| release: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The release of a particular version of the package. |
| e.g. '1.el7' or '3.f24' |
| arch: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The target architecture for a package.For example, |
| 'x86_64', 'i686', or 'noarch' |
| pkgId: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Checksum of the package file |
| checksum_type: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Type of checksum, e.g. 'sha256', 'md5' |
| summary: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Short description of the packaged software |
| description: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: In-depth description of the packaged software |
| url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: URL with more information about the packaged software |
| changelogs: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Changelogs that package contains |
| files: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Files that package contains |
| requires: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package requires |
| provides: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package provides |
| conflicts: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package conflicts |
| obsoletes: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package obsoletes |
| suggests: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package suggests |
| enhances: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package enhances |
| recommends: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package recommends |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| supplements: |
| type: object |
| readOnly: true |
| default: '[]' |
| description: Capabilities the package supplements |
| location_base: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Base location of this package |
| location_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Relative location of package to the repodata |
| rpm_buildhost: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Hostname of the system that built the package |
| rpm_group: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: 'RPM group (See: <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups" rel="nofollow">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups</a>)' |
| rpm_license: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: License term applicable to the package software (GPLv2, |
| etc.) |
| rpm_packager: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Person or persons responsible for creating the package |
| rpm_sourcerpm: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the source package (srpm) the package was |
| built from |
| rpm_vendor: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Name of the organization that produced the package |
| rpm_header_start: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: First byte of the header |
| rpm_header_end: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Last byte of the header |
| is_modular: |
| type: boolean |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Flag to identify if the package is modular |
| size_archive: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Size, in bytes, of the archive portion of the original |
| package file |
| size_installed: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Total size, in bytes, of every file installed by |
| this package |
| size_package: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Size, in bytes, of the package |
| time_build: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Time the package was built in seconds since the epoch |
| time_file: |
| type: integer |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The 'file' time attribute in the primary XML - file |
| mtime in seconds since the epoch. |
| required: [] |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/repo_metadata_files/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/repo_metadata_files/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listRepoMetadataFiles |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_added |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_added |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version_removed |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version_removed |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| data_type: |
| type: string |
| description: Metadata type. |
| checksum_type: |
| type: string |
| description: Checksum type for the file. |
| checksum: |
| type: string |
| description: Checksum for the file. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| required: |
| - data_type |
| - checksum_type |
| - checksum |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/repo_metadata_files/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveRepoMetadataFile |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this repo metadata file. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| artifact: |
| type: string |
| description: Artifact file representing the physical content |
| data_type: |
| type: string |
| description: Metadata type. |
| checksum_type: |
| type: string |
| description: Checksum type for the file. |
| checksum: |
| type: string |
| description: Checksum for the file. |
| sha256: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The SHA-256 checksum if available. |
| required: |
| - data_type |
| - checksum_type |
| - checksum |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyRepoMetadataFile |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this repo metadata file. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/distributions/rpm/rpm/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/distributions/rpm/rpm/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listRpmDistributions |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: base_path |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: base_path |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: base_path__contains |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: base_path__contains |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: base_path__icontains |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: base_path__icontains |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: base_path__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: base_path__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with |
| other distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| base_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL for accessing the publication as defined |
| by this distribution. |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| publication: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Publication to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createRpmDistribution |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other distribution |
| base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| publication: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Publication to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other |
| distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| base_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL for accessing the publication as defined |
| by this distribution. |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| publication: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Publication to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/distributions/rpm/rpm/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveRpmDistribution |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this rpm distribution. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other |
| distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| base_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL for accessing the publication as defined |
| by this distribution. |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| publication: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Publication to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| put: |
| operationId: updateRpmDistribution |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this rpm distribution. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other distribution |
| base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| publication: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Publication to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other |
| distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| base_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL for accessing the publication as defined |
| by this distribution. |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| publication: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Publication to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| patch: |
| operationId: partial_updateRpmDistribution |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this rpm distribution. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other distribution |
| base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| publication: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Publication to be served |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| base_path: |
| type: string |
| description: The base (relative) path component of the published |
| url. Avoid paths that overlap with other |
| distribution base paths (e.g. "foo" and "foo/bar") |
| base_url: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| description: The URL for accessing the publication as defined |
| by this distribution. |
| content_guard: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: An optional content-guard. |
| name: |
| type: string |
| description: A unique name. Ex, `rawhide` and `stable`. |
| publication: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| description: Publication to be served |
| required: |
| - base_path |
| - name |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyRpmDistribution |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this rpm distribution. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/publications/rpm/rpm/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/publications/rpm/rpm/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listRpmPublications |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: repository_version |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: repository_version |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_created__lt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_created__lt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_created__lte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_created__lte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_created__gt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_created__gt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_created__gte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_created__gte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_created__range |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_created__range |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_created |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_created |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| type: object |
| properties: |
| count: |
| type: integer |
| example: 123 |
| next: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| previous: |
| type: string |
| nullable: true |
| results: |
| type: array |
| items: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| description: A URI of the repository to be published. |
| metadata_checksum_type: |
| enum: |
| - unknown |
| - md5 |
| - sha1 |
| - sha224 |
| - sha256 |
| - sha384 |
| - sha512 |
| default: sha256 |
| description: The checksum type for metadata. |
| package_checksum_type: |
| enum: |
| - unknown |
| - md5 |
| - sha1 |
| - sha224 |
| - sha256 |
| - sha384 |
| - sha512 |
| default: sha256 |
| description: The checksum type for packages. |
| description: '' |
| post: |
| operationId: createRpmPublication |
| parameters: [] |
| requestBody: |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| description: A URI of the repository to be published. |
| metadata_checksum_type: |
| enum: |
| - unknown |
| - md5 |
| - sha1 |
| - sha224 |
| - sha256 |
| - sha384 |
| - sha512 |
| default: sha256 |
| description: The checksum type for metadata. |
| package_checksum_type: |
| enum: |
| - unknown |
| - md5 |
| - sha1 |
| - sha224 |
| - sha256 |
| - sha384 |
| - sha512 |
| default: sha256 |
| description: The checksum type for packages. |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| description: A URI of the repository to be published. |
| metadata_checksum_type: |
| enum: |
| - unknown |
| - md5 |
| - sha1 |
| - sha224 |
| - sha256 |
| - sha384 |
| - sha512 |
| default: sha256 |
| description: The checksum type for metadata. |
| package_checksum_type: |
| enum: |
| - unknown |
| - md5 |
| - sha1 |
| - sha224 |
| - sha256 |
| - sha384 |
| - sha512 |
| default: sha256 |
| description: The checksum type for packages. |
| description: '' |
| /pulp/api/v3/publications/rpm/rpm/{pulp_id}/: |
| get: |
| operationId: retrieveRpmPublication |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this rpm publication. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '200': |
| content: |
| application/json: |
| schema: |
| properties: |
| pulp_href: |
| type: string |
| readOnly: true |
| pulp_created: |
| type: string |
| format: date-time |
| readOnly: true |
| description: Timestamp of creation. |
| repository_version: |
| type: string |
| repository: |
| type: string |
| description: A URI of the repository to be published. |
| metadata_checksum_type: |
| enum: |
| - unknown |
| - md5 |
| - sha1 |
| - sha224 |
| - sha256 |
| - sha384 |
| - sha512 |
| default: sha256 |
| description: The checksum type for metadata. |
| package_checksum_type: |
| enum: |
| - unknown |
| - md5 |
| - sha1 |
| - sha224 |
| - sha256 |
| - sha384 |
| - sha512 |
| default: sha256 |
| description: The checksum type for packages. |
| description: '' |
| delete: |
| operationId: destroyRpmPublication |
| parameters: |
| - name: pulp_id |
| in: path |
| required: true |
| description: A UUID string identifying this rpm publication. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| responses: |
| '204': |
| description: '' |
| <a href="/pulp/api/v3/remotes/rpm/rpm/" rel="nofollow">/pulp/api/v3/remotes/rpm/rpm/</a>: |
| get: |
| operationId: listRpmRemotes |
| parameters: |
| - name: limit |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Number of results to return per page. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: offset |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: The initial index from which to return the results. |
| schema: |
| type: integer |
| - name: ordering |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: Which field to use when ordering the results. |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: name__in |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: name__in |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__lt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__lt |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__lte |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__lte |
| schema: |
| type: string |
| - name: pulp_last_updated__gt |
| required: false |
| in: query |
| description: pulp_last_updated__gt |